Friday, October 28, 2016


It has become easier for us to configure different interfaces but it is still hard when you thought you did everything right but the devices still won't connect. The difficulty that I have is solving these issues, like fixing the connection. It gets so frustrating when it won't work, each time that it won't, the frustration becomes even more unbearable. I hope we can fix basic stuff like this in the future.

Friday, October 14, 2016


In the past two weeks, we learned how to configure routers and setup IP addresses. It was pretty easy to understand but if you miss one step then it'll be hard to catch up because what you were doing wouldn't be the same as what they were doing and it'll cause confusion. The coding or configuring part of the lesson was interesting, I feel like I really am learning something but it was pretty difficult to catch up with some of the codes since the typing and showing of it was fast. I really like the lessons so far. I'm looking forward to next week.